VOL.2. NO. 1, January 3, 2024. INSIDE:.. Plants as medicine - Air Purifying plants.. MEDITATION MUSIC! Florida hot spots.
By Norris R. McDonald, Respiratory Therapist, Horticulturalist, Editor& Publisher
Jamaican dandelion is commonly used as a regular ‘bush tea’ or, because of its potential traditional medicinal healing properties. The Jamaican dandelion is also called Wild Coffee, Piss-a-bed, Negro Coffee. The Scientific name Cassia occidentalis.
Dandelion is commonly used as a ‘cold bush,’ that is to say, to treat colds. Other common use of dandelion is for kidney and bladder problems, back pain, as a liver tonic and for shortness of breath, or as a skin salve for ringworm and other skin problems.
All parts of the plants are used —- Leaves, Root, Seeds. Health studies have been done on the Jamaican Dandelion plant to test the truthfulness of the claims made. And while many studies are still ongoing, it has maintained “a good reputation as a healing herb.”
The seeds are parched and ground and used as a coffee substitute which is said to be useful for jaundice, kidney and bladder problems.
Oral traditions from African countries, India, the eastern Caribbean and parts of Central and South America reveals the same type of common use as a traditional medicine plant.
Reported use worldwide are as follows:
* Eastern Caribbean- the flowers and roots are used for colds and stomach disorders. The roots are soaked in warm water for skin disorders and swelling in legs.
* South America - used to detoxify, to cleanse the blood and enhance immune function. In Brazil to treat menstrual and urinary tract disorders and as a general tonic for weakness. The leaves are either crushed or made into a tea to treat many types of skin problems.
* Indian traditional medicine- dandelion is used widely for liver problems; for treating digestive disorders, and; respiratory problems.
To make dandelion tea, collect about a dozen fresh leaves, wash them and put it to boil in two cups of water for a few minutes.
The Dandelion tea can had unsweetened or, with a teaspoon of honey.
The plants “antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-malarial properties have also been confirmed in several research studies.”
Some studies say that it may have anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and hypotensive properties
Caution must be taken in the imbibing of all herbal teas.
Like all herbs or plants, over use can increase the toxicity and due recommended care is always required if one desires to use dandelion as a traditional herbal medicine.
Most studies on the mind-blowing health benefits of dandelion have looked at the reported claims that it helps improvement of the blood, kidneys, liver and immune system. These studies have confirmed that the active plant chemicals in dandelion are effective in cases of hepatitis and other liver disorders. These active plant chemicals also show beneficial effects on the immune system and may protect cells from mutation.
[NOTE: Studies about the nutritional and health benefits of ‘Jamaican Dandelion is reported online but may not have been reviewed by health experts. But nothing published here in NAUTIC GARDENS should be construed as an explicit recommendation. This article reviewed the homeopathic value of cultural and traditional health of people in developing societies. This information has not been reviewed by the FDA. This being said, it must be stressed, that the above information provided for educational, informational and health and wellness entertainment purposes. It is not intended as a prescribed remedy or substitution for seeing you family physician. Always be careful when drinking any herbal tea and ask your doctor before imbibing].
Treat yourself and loved ones to a Beautiful ‘Dracaena’ or ‘Sansevieria’ Air Purifying Snake Plant!
By Norris McDonald, Respiratory Therapist, Horticulturalist, Editor& Publisher
Snake plants are great air purifying plants that ought to be a must have in your home. It is a succulent plant originally said to be native to Asia and Africa. Snake plants are easily recognized by the evergreen sword-shaped leaves that grow upright.
There are several different varieties of snake plants with some having more exquisite beauty than the other therefore, it is a good thing to mix and match and place them in different strategic corners in your study, living room, bedroom or, on the patio if you desire.
Most people like the Sansevieria trifasciata snake plant, it is clearly distinguished by its curvy leaves, yellow, green and dusty white colors.
But the most common snake plant is ‘The mother-in-law’s tongue’ can grow up to six feet.
In addition, snake plants provides ambiance to your home while having a great number of health benefits. This includes:
Acts as an indoor air filter to remove toxic pollutants.
It can uplift our spirt and, by so doing, create happiness and peace of mind. This is certainly a good mental health boost.
Because of snake plants air purifying qualities, it is effective in guarding us against allergic responses to dust and mites.
In terms of ‘Feng Shui’ it may help enhance the “energy” of internal spaces.